Payment Processing
Payment Configurations

Fortiva Configuration


After selecting Fortiva from the Payments menu, from the Choose a Config dropdown, click on Create New Config

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The following information must be entered to activate Synchrony on your storefront. 

  • Configuration Name: This acts as a nickname for this setup within UpStart Commerce. Choose a clear name that identifies your store and environment (e.g., "[Your Store Name] - Fortiva Test").
  • Enabled: This is a simple on/off switch. Toggle “On” to allow customers to use Synchronny for payments on your storefront.
  • Sandbox: Use "Sandbox" for testing purposes before going live. In Sandbox mode, simulated transactions are processed without involving real money.
  • Production: Choose "Production" when your store is ready to accept real customer payments using Fortiva.
  • Reference Number: This is a unique identifier used for specific transactions within Fortiva's system. You might leave this blank if not provided for your configuration.
  • Store ID: This unique identifier is provided by Fortiva and helps them identify your specific store within their system.
  • Vendor Name: This is the name associated with your merchant account, as it appears to Fortiva.
  • Minimum order amount: Set the minimum order value for which Fortiva payment options will be available to your customers.
  • Company ID: This is another unique identifier provided by Fortiva, potentially linked to your specific merchant account setup.
  • Username: This acts as your username for your Fortiva merchant account. Treat it like confidential information.
  • Fortiva Password: This is the password for your Fortiva merchant account. Treat it like confidential information.
  • Immediate Capture: This setting determines when Fortiva captures the authorized funds from your customer's account.
  • Checked (Immediate Capture): Funds are captured immediately after a successful authorization.
  • Unchecked (Delayed Capture): You can choose to capture the funds later, potentially after order confirmation or shipment.

Additional Consideration

  • Ensure you have a valid SSL certificate installed on your website for secure communication with Fortiva.
  • For security reasons, it's recommended to avoid storing your Fortiva credentials directly within the configuration. Consider using secure credential management solutions offered by UpStart Commerce or your hosting platform.

By following these steps and providing the required information from Fortiva, you can successfully configure Fortiva payment processing in UpStart Commerce and offer your customers a secure and reliable payment option.