Product Information Management...
Key Concepts

Attribute Data Types


NoChannel Commerce PIM offers a variety of Attribute Types to ensure your product information is accurate, well-organized, and usable. Choosing the right type for each attribute is crucial for efficient data management.

Product Level Attributes

  • String: Ideal for textual data like names, descriptions, or any other text-based content (e.g., "Description of a sofa: Elegant and comfortable sofa with tufted upholstery").
  • Boolean: Perfect for true/false or yes/no values, such as in-stock status, availability, or product eligibility for specific features (e.g., "In-stock status of a chair: true").
  • Number: Used for numeric values associated with products, such as weights, dimensions, or quantities (e.g., "Weight of a coffee table: 5.2 kilograms").
  • Weight: Represents the weight of an object (e.g., "Weight of wooden dining table: 100 kilograms").
  • Area: Specifies the surface area of products (e.g., "Surface area of a dining table: 36 square feet").
  • Memory: Used for the memory capacity of electronic devices (e.g., "iPhone 11 Pro Max Storage: 256 GB").
  • Date and Time: Records specific dates and times (e.g., "Manufacturing date of a wardrobe: 2023-05-20 09:00:00").
  • Volume: Specifies the internal capacity of products (e.g."Storage capacity of a wardrobe: 10 cubic feet").
  • Swatch: Represents color options or variations for products (e.g., "Color options for a sofa: Red, Blue, Green"). For more details on Swatches, refer to Key Concepts.
  • URL: Used for web links or references related to products (e.g., "Website link for product specifications:").
  • 1D, 2D, 3D: Represent one, two, or three-dimensional measurements (e.g., "Length of a bookshelf: 36 inches").
  • File: Used for associating files or multimedia content with products (e.g., "Image file name for product image: sofa-image.jpg").

Scope Level of Attributes

NoChannel Commerce PIM also allows you to define the scope level of attributes, determining how they apply across your product catalog. Three primary scope levels exist in our PIM system.


Attributes assigned to the Product scope level are uniform across the entire product. This means that the created attribute will be added to the scope of the product. For example, if the attribute is "Color" with a value of "Black," and you have selected the scope level to Product, then this attribute will be added to the product.


Attributes designated with the Variant scope level are specific to individual product variants. This allows for variation in attribute values across different product variants. For instance, with the "Color" attribute set to Variant scope level, different variants of the same product can have distinct colors such as "Black" or "White."


Overridable scope-level attributes allow flexibility in managing attribute values. These attributes can be overridden at the variant level, but they also have a default value at the product level. In our "Color" attribute example, if it is assigned the Overridable scope level and the default value is "Black" at the product level, it means that all variants will initially inherit the "Black" color. However, if needed, individual variants can override this default value and have a different color assigned to them.