Getting Started
UpStart Commerce APIs
Management APIs

Session ID


This section explains the process of generating a Session ID through our UpStart Commerce Management APIs.

Generate a Session ID

Step 1: Create an Account on the UpStart Commerce Portal

To initiate the Session ID generation process, you must first have an account on the UpStart Portal. If you have not registered yet, create an account by visiting this link.

Step 2: Obtain Tenant ID and Session ID

For authorization, you will require two parameters Tenant ID and Session ID.

  1. For Tenant ID and Site ID: You can create a valid and by visiting this link or you can request the UpStart Commerce Support Team to create it for you. After successfully obtaining them, replace your specific Tenant ID and Site ID in the authorization field.
  2. For Session ID: Make the relevant API call to automatically generate a Session ID by using the Curl below.



For more information, go to the obtain Session ID endpoint example request.

Step 3: Check the Status Code

Upon making a Session ID creation request, it responds with a status code indicating the outcome.



Note: For authorization, you will need two parameters Tenant ID and Session ID. Ensure to securely store these values for further API interactions.

After executing the Curl, you have successfully generated a valid Session ID. Now, you can use this Session ID to further explore UpStart Commerce Management APIs.

How to Use Session ID

You can utilize the generated Session ID in the header of your API request using the Authorization field. This step is crucial for authenticating and accessing UpStart Commerce APIs.

Header Key: 
Header Value: <your-sessionid>

Example API Request:

Replace <your-sessionid> in the Authorization header with the actual obtained from response above.

Document image

Make Your First API Call with Session ID

To make your first call by using a Session ID, you need to add your Session ID, Site ID, and Tenant ID (created above) in the request header by using the Curl below.



For more information, go to the Get Users by Tenant ID example request.



Upon receiving the successful response for the Get User by Tenant ID request, you have completed your first UpStart Commerce Management API call, using the Session ID.