UpStart Commerce Search

Search Field Manager


Search field manager is also a unique feature of NoChannel Search. The purpose of a search field manager is to optimize the search process. The product properties are given a boost using the search field manager which means that the search looks for the query term in the relevant fields of the items and returns values on a priority basis. Users can set both positive and negative values for boost. If a negative value is given in the boost field, the field “boost” is changed to “bury”.

For example, you can set conditions on the search field manager in such a way that the property fields such as "Name" and "typeName" are given a boost and will be searched on priority.

Create the Field Searcher

The API call to create a field searcher is:


The following code block represents the creation of a search field.


Notice that a boost of 10 is performed on the "typeName" field of the respective items in the catalog query pipeline.

In the above example, it means that the query term will be matched with the properties term on a priority as it has been boosted ten times. The higher the number assigned to the boost field, the more priority it will have when a search is being performed.

Users can also add negative values with the boost which means that the respective field will either not be considered or will have very low consideration.


This endpoint allows users to attach search field managers to a query pipeline. Users can attach one field searcher with multiple query pipelines. The API call to attach the created field searcher is:


Notice that the name or id of the field searcher id is added before 'to' and after it, the query pipeline id is defined.


The detach function allows users to remove a particular field searcher from the query pipeline. The API call to detach the created field searcher is:


Notice that the name or id of the field searcher id is added before 'from' and after it, the query pipeline id is defined.

Similar to the Create API, CRUD operations can be performed to update, delete, and manage the search field manager.